Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Please answer all of the following questions: (Make sure you proofread and use complete sentences)These should be elaborate thoughts, not one sentence responses!

1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's world-renown "Did you Know/Shift Happens" PowerPoint, what ideas strike you about the facts presented?
How does this make you think about the world and your place in it? How could this data impact you?

2) Also, what did Danny Macaskill's, "Inspired Bikes" make you think about perseverance, hard work, potential, etc...? How can you apply what you saw from his adventures, doing bike tricks, to your own life?

3) See below:

Definitions Taken From Mindsets The New Psychology Of Success By Carol Dweck

File:Forward thinking.jpg

Fixed Mindset Defined:
“The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life.  It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value.  How does this happen?  How can a simple belief have the power to transform your psychology and, as a result, your life?  Believing that your qualities are carved in stone-the fixed mindset-creates an urgency to prove yourself over and over” (Dweck 6).

File:Thinking Man.jpg

Growth Mindset Defined:
“This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts.  Although people may differ in every which way-in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments-everyone can change and grow through application and experience” (Dweck 7).

“The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset.  This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives” (Dweck 7).

  • What are your thoughts regarding these definitions?  
  • Are the definitions accurate?  
  • How do they apply to your attitude and approach within the academic realm?


  1. 1) A lot of the facts presented were astounding! I had no idea we spent so much time texting, and on the internet! However, we have had so much change in technology with in just our lifetime (only 14-15 years!) that the schools have fallen behind. But it's now time for them to catch up.
    2) Let me start by saying those bike tricks were really really cool. Like, almost physically impossible! At the beginning of the video, he was falling off, and getting frustrated, but he persevered, and figured out what did and dint work! A really good philosophy to live by is "Wether you believe you can or can't, your right." ~Henry Ford. You will get no were in life going into something new with a bad attitude and an "I can't do it" vibe. Learn from your mistakes, and move on. You could possibly find a billion ways to do something wrong, before you find the one way to do it right.
    3) The definitions are very accurate. Everybody needs to have a growth mindset. They need to be able to see that flaws they see in themselves can always be fixed. But you need to say "I don't like this so I'm going to get up, and do something." instead of sitting around whining about how hard life is because you don't understand something. If you are in need of assistance, get up and get it! Go find someone who can help you fix yourself, so you can succeed! That's all anybody ever wants. To succeed. But you need to have a growth mindset to be able to do it! I think the fixed mindset are the type of people who try to plan years ahead because they "know" exactly were they want to go, and what they want to do, but the world is not a wish granting factory, and just because you say you are going one place doesn't mean that's were you will end up. There are so meany different paths you could go down, and so meany other path that cross yours along the way, there is no way you can know when, were, how, and why you will be somewhere in 4 years.

  2. After watching Mr. Fisch’s videos I was surprised on many facts like how the best place to live was Great Britian in the 1900’s. This makes me think about our technology and how not all of it is necessarily a good thing. Today not many people will be able to go a week without wifi, data, or reception. I feel this is sad because we don’t know the world differently, not letting us appreciate it as much as people such as our grandparents. Personally this makes me want to put my technology away and be socialize face to face. This also ties into how many text we send, and how many hours are spent on our electronics.
    Thinking about "Inspired Bikes" we can connect it to our lives in many different ways. One way is he did not magically wake up being able to do those challenging tricks, or even being able to ride a bike. This we can connect to skills in sports like gymnastics. You don’t wake up being able to do a back layout, you start by learning a somersault. Or with math learning how to do equations now, but ten years ago it was learning that 1+1=2. This video also shows that if you don’t stick with something you will never be as good as you could have been.
    After reading the definitions on the different mindsets I think right away how people have different mindsets weather they know it or not. Although some people may not think so everyone has a growth mindset, or we would not learn everything. I feel that the definitions are accurate because it shows that there are specific qualities that go with each mindset that easily connects to the results. If you think that their is something that can only be done one way, then the attitude towards the project will be more difficult to do. Attitude is everything. When you think something can only be done one way, and are not open to other ides (Fixed Mindset) then you may be missing out on a process you may like better. This can be on something as simple as one math problem. If you know one way to solve an equation, and won’t learn another, then you won’t get the most out of your learning. This can have an effect on your entire life if the mindset doesn’t change. A growth mindset will be a good way to think if you want to learn something, like another problem in math, or in the real world.

  3. The ideas in the video(s) that strike me the most are the ones in version 4 that talk about how technologically dependant we have become over the years. How, that in 2009, 93% of adults owned a phone and how that number is increasing to the point that literally everyone has some digital device. Now a days, what would fit inside a building fits inside your pocket with ease. However, with great power comes great responsibility. As technology advances, so does the amount of malware and vicious technology. This makes me think that even though technology is a great thing used to connect people around the world, it also has some major downsides such as the creation of cyber bullying, the hacking of your computer which might have important information (i.e. credit card and identity), and also the fact the world has become so dependant on it. Simply put, our world does not know how to live a life without technology. Now a days, some people can’t last a few days without connection to wifi or cell service, and if something happened that wiped out technology, our world will be totally lost.

    In Danny Macaskill’s bike trick videos it didn’t show only his successful runs, it showed some of his failures as well. This helps us connect it to our own lives because it shows that he doesn’t get everything right 100% of the time, it is trial and failure, similar to our daily lives. He was not born into this world doing these tricks, he learned like everyone else. He learned in steps, similar to our daily lives. Simply put, he didn’t start riding bikes doing tricks, he gradually got better and then trained for harder and harder things. In our lives, we learn to do things by gradually practicing something and then once we have succeeded, we move on to harder steps and so on and so forth.

    I think that these mindsets are easy to spot in people once you get to know them. As you get to know someone it is relatively easy to figure out if they have a fixed or growth mindset based on what they say or do. Personally, I think these definitions are extremely accurate. If you have a growth mindset, you are constantly trying to grasp new concepts to enhance your knowledge. If you have a fixed mindset on the other hand, when you go to do a hard project, your mind can shut out other ideas and make everything harder to accomplish. When in school, a fixed mindset will cause you to shut out others’ ideas and you won’t learn anything. If you have a growth mindset, it makes you much more approachable and makes you more of a leader because you are open to new concepts and willing to learn from others.

  4. 1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's world-renown "Did you Know/Shift Happens" PowerPoint, what ideas strike you about the facts presented?
    How does this make you think about the world and your place in it? How could this data impact you?

    This was very cool to me. It basically show us that to learn and be helpful in this world we must work incredibly hard to become the best in this work. One thing that struck me was the 60 babies thing. This was weird because right now the worlds population is increasing dramatically. One other thing that was crazy was that China's honers kids were bigger then America's whole students. This means that China is super smart and that are going to get more jobs in the future then American students will. I can take this into school by working hard and becoming a great student.

    2) Also, what did Danny Macaskill's, "Inspired Bikes" make you think about perseverance, hard work, potential, etc...? How can you apply what you saw from his adventures, doing bike tricks, to your own life?

    It was cool to see the part in the video when he finally got the trick. I teaches you about not giving up. This shows that if you dont give up you can do anything. He started off not knowing how to do tricks, with perseverance he was able to come to the point he is know. This can be taken in life by never giving up and to have perseverance in school, sports, life. This can be taking in school to not try on an assignment.

    3) See below:

    These definitions show 2 mindsets, the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. The fixed mindset is basically when there is only one way to do everything. You use the same way of thinking to do everything. The growth mindset is one that changes and has multiple ways of doing everything. Its like a problem solving mind . The one that is better for life and school is the growth mindset because it will allow you to learn more and become a better problem solver. I like the growth mindset because it allows you to become a different kind of thinker that make you unique from other people.

  5. After viewing Mr. Fisch’s video, “Did you Know/Shift Happens,” I think what striked me the most was how much the world has changed. Just thinking about the fact that millions of years ago, people did not exist on the planet yet. Now, just under the course of ten minutes, more than 60 children will be born in the United States. Ever since I was pretty little, I never really thought about the size of the world. Colorado is just a tiny speck, and let alone people can’t even be seen, when compared to the size of the Earth. Just thinking about all the different people in the world, is just mind boggling! Another thing that makes me think is how much technology has grown even in the last 100 years! It’s almost hard to wrap your mind about how life would have been without a lightbulb, or other electrical objects. Without the technology we have today, many things would be unknown. Take the moon for example, if millionaires hadn’t found how to mass produce steel during the 1880’s, then the human race would have never made it to the moon. In the video, one of the facts about technology really striked me. The video stated that within a matter of years, a supercomputer will be built that will exceeds the computation capacity of the human brain.
    While watching Danny Macaskill’s, “Inspired Bikes,” I really think that it made me think about hard work because of the commitment it must have taken to be able to possess the skills and abilities that this man has. Like most people, I have been riding a bike since I was little. I one time tried to do a wheelie and I fell off my bike. Another time I was just zig-zagging on the highline canal, when I fell of again. What I am trying to say by this, is that it doesn’t take one year to master a skill where it can injure you in a day. It takes years of practice. I one time read a book saying that to completely become successful in one thing, it takes 10,000 hours of practice. Whether it is playing an instrument, or doing challenging tricks on a bike, it must have taken Danny Macaskill several years to achieve the abilities that he has.
    After reading theses definitions on the different mindsets, I understand that one person will have several different mindsets, even though they might not realize it. I also realised how to tell if someone has a fixed mindset, or a growth mindset. One might have a fixed mindset where they aren’t really open to changing the way that they see, or do something. With the growth mindset, I feel like someone who possess it has the ability to open up their thoughts and allow change. I do feel like these definitions are accurate because in both the definitions it shows the personalities, and qualities that someone with both of these mindsets have. When someone has a fixed mindset, the way they may act academically is not possibly not wanting to open their mind to new thoughts. What I mean by this is when someone who has a fixed mindset, and is sitting in class, they might get fixated on what they think is the right answer and might judge, and not agree with anyone else’s opinion. When someone has a growth mindset, they are open to new, and more information. Back to the classroom example. The person who has a growth mindset will be the one who wants to share their thoughts whether it’s right or wrong, and then would be open to learning more and agreeing with other people’s thoughts, opinions. Another example is that the person with a growth mindset will be someone who is opening to doing more things to improve the way that they think.

  6. 1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's world-renown "Did you Know/Shift Happens" PowerPoint, what ideas strike you about the facts presented?
    How does this make you think about the world and your place in it? How could this data impact you?

    I never knew that America’s population is not growing as much as other countries such as China or India. I also wasn’t aware that we texting so much and also called so much. It is very amazing though that technology has changed so much and that we can get any information that we want by the press of a button. Also that in India and China they they have better scores than us. This impacts me because it makes me want to do better as a student it might not look like one student can make a difference, but anyone can make a difference even if it's a little one.

    2) Also, what did Danny Macaskill's, "Inspired Bikes" make you think about perseverance, hard work, potential, etc...? How can you apply what you saw from his adventures, doing bike tricks, to your own life?

    This video was very amazing, not only because of the tricks, but thought and effort that he must have put into learning them. It was also astonishing when I saw the video when he was kid. It’s also very surprising that he has wanted this as a child and it was beautiful to see he succeed and powered through the struggles to follow his dream. This shows me that if I want something that I have to be aggressive and tackle my goals head on. No one should ever give up. Last year it was my goal to get all A’s. I’ve never been very good at tests or standardized so it was my goal to work hard. I did end up getting all A’s, and had a better attitude when getting ready to take standardized tests. Danny Macaskill never gave up and showed a keen and bold choice to keep going and work for something that he had always wanted and loved. This inspires me to chase my goals and to never give up because when you put your mind to something you can accomplish fantastic things.

    3)See below:
    What are your thoughts regarding these definitions?
    Are the definitions accurate?
    How do they apply to your attitude and approach within the academic realm?
    My thoughts regarding these definitions are that they are both very accurate and that I can relate to them both. In the video that I watched I was very interested about the power of believing you can improve. It is very inspiring and just shows how anyone can succeed if they try to improve and find other ways to solve problems and look at an issue at different angles to receive the best solution. A fixed mindset is where when faced with a challenge or problem they think that there is only one way to solve the problem. A growth mindset is quite the opposite, where they view a problem and a challenge as place to grow, improve, and have multiple ways to solve the problem. Now, I am going to say that when seeing a difficult problem I freeze and run away from the problem, but the next time I see a challenge I am going to try my hardest to have a positive attitude and try to accept that I can improve.

  7. After seeing Mr. Fisch's ¨Did you Know/Shift Happens¨ the ideas that strike me are how much our world uses technology. We use technology so much that we practically have our lives on there. Using technology so much is partly a good thing but it is also bad. It can be good because this is the world we have learned to grow up in with computers, smartphones, and more. This much technology can be bad because it isolates some people so much socially that they can't even have a normal conversation face to face with someone.
    Danny Macaskill's ¨Inspired Bikes¨ videos clearly take a lot of hard work, practice, and dedication. He didn't fail a trick once and say I give up, he kept practicing and pushing himself until he was able to do the crazy tricks that he can do currently. We can apply his hard work, dedication, and practice time to our lives because we have to work hard and practice to get better at something. Every time that we practice we are moving one step closer to succeeding, but we have to be dedicated to be able to improve.
    My thoughts on these definitions are that everyone has a different mindset because they have different ways that they want to learn and live their life or even achieve goals they have set for themselves. I think that these definitions are very accurate for both mindsets. If you have a growth mindset you are always trying to find a different approach or multiple approaches for everything and are trying to gain as much knowledge as possible by doing so. When you have a fixed mindset you believe that there is only one way to do something and that one way is the only way that is correct. In school having a growth mindset will allow you to be more open minded and willing to take a different approach at something. If you have a fixed mindset you won't be as open minded and will think that your idea is the better one to choose.

  8. After watching Mr Fisch's "Did you know/Shift Happens" I was astounded by all of the facts and how much they changed between two videos, and how different all of the topics are now now, it shocked me on how much the world has changed between the videos. It also surprised me with how much technology we use now, and how many people use that much technology. It makes me think about the world I live in and how many people are in it. I am just one person in the world when there are about double the amount of people in china and triple the amount of people in India, it makes me realize how small I am to the world's population.

    Seeing Danny Macaskill's "Inspired Bikes" video makes me think about how hard he had to work to be able to do those things, it makes me think about how much time he had to of put into it and how many times he probably fell but he still managed to get back on his bike and continue practicing this skill. I can apply what I saw to my life by trying to be more adventurous and daring. Also I could apply these by getting back up when I fall down, or simply just not giving up on what I want to do, and just to keep trying.

    After reading the different mindsets I realize that as you meet people and learn how they talk you can easily tell which kind of mindset they have, I feel like once you know someone, these mindsets could become very clear in someone. I feel like these definitions are very spot on for both of the mindsets, they both explain the different qualities they each have, and the personalities that could go with them. The growth mindset is someone who will accept new ideas and opinions, while a fixed mindset with have a harder time adapting to new opinions and ideas. They apply to my attitude and approach in the academic realm when I am studying or just listening to people talk in class, I try to have a growth mindset in school and accept these opinions and ideas and try to comprehend the possibility of these ideas or opinions, but sometimes I do have a fixed mindset and I refuse to accept and idea because it is just wrong to me, I would try to accept the idea but it just doesn't seem right in my head, I think that next time I will try my hardest to accept new ideas that could improve my mindset.

  9. After watching Mr. Fisch's video, I felt very small. With all the facts of humanity presented, I felt small on a big planet with a lot of people, who make a huge difference for society as a whole. It made me think about my place, and how we all have two choices. Make a difference or be insignificant, which way we go is up to us. By Mr. Fisch making this video, I had to re-consider the world. I had never really thought about the world as a whole, and how its populated and what happened every 5 seconds around the world. I was astonished how many people rely on technology and how many people there actually are in the world.

    However, watching Danny Macaskill's video, it was incredible and immensely entertaining. Watching what he does for a living, and being able to do what he loves made me want to work harder, succeed, and be immaculate. It was amazing to watch. I liked the second video a little more because it showed his life and how he kind of always wanted to do what he does and aspire to be good at what he loves.

    I happen to agree with the definitions of the different mind sets. I think they are accurate. The first one, is all frame of mind. You push yourself with out even realizing it sometimes, if you want something bad enough. The second one is equally fascinating. I try to achieve what I want, and watching all the videos and reading these articles made me want good academics more.

  10. After I saw Mr.Fisch’s Video Shift Happens I began thinking about how much things can change over time. In a few years the United States Might only be a minor world power and does very little to change the world by itself. China is growing in population rapidly and their capacity to properly educate their citizens is also growing. The United States is doing what it can to boost its capacity to educate but with the a smaller population than China we are probably not going to be number one in much of anything in the near future.

    When I saw Inspired Bikes I thought about how much time it took Danny to get anywhere near as good as he is and how many times he has failed and then gone back and tried again. Most if the time when ever try to do something new and fail ill try again a few times and then just give up.

    I feel as though the definitions are fairly accurate about the different mindsets and I honestly don’t know what to think about them. I feel as though everyone should have a growth mindset
    in school and in life.

  11. After watching Mr.Fich's ¨Did you know/Shift Happens¨ power point what facts that most surprised me was how the world has developed over the last hundred year and how it has vastly changed how we think. For example, I was surprised how the newspaper circulation has gone down over the last twenty five years by seven million while in the last five years online newspapers are up thirty million. This had shocked because most people weren't able to use a computer twenty five years ago or even read a newspaper online witch makes me wonder why newspaper distribution went down. Another fact that had shocked me was how a lot of news broadcasting stations had been around for a combined two hundred years and how YouTube, Myspace, and Facebook had only been around less than six years at the time while they got more than two hundred times more users than the other new broadcasting stations. This had shocked me because it made me realize how the world is revolving around the online world constantly. After watching the whole video it made me realize that technology is vastly changing as well as the culture of the world because of the technological change.
    Danny Macaskill's, ¨Inspired Bikes¨ video made realize that sometimes that all of us have to start small but if we try and applied our selves and worked toward something that all people can achieve great things. This video also made realize that sometimes it's better to start earlier than later because Danny had to learn how to do his skills of his bike over many years and if he had decided to learn these skills as an adult rather than he did early in his life it probably would've been harder for to him learn those skills. How I use these lessons in my daily life is by trying to realize that sometimes I have to start small to get the overall effect that I am hoping to learn in a skill.
    After learning what ¨Growth Mindset¨ truly means I believe the definitions definition are true and apply to everyday life. For example, I am a procrastinator and I am more likely to get smaller things done first because I believe they are easier but I think after learning what ¨Growth Mindset¨ means I will try to realize that even if the bigger things are harder I can cultivate myself to push through them. After realizing what the definition of ¨Growth Mindset¨ I will try to apply this to my academic side of my life by trying to have a more open concept of mine and realize that if I push through in things that at the end my effort will pay off. I will also try to apply this to everyday life by try to overcome challenge and realize that at first everyone isn't very good at things.

  12. After watching mr fichs video the facts that most surprised me were the ones about our technology and how it will be improved in the next couple of years.
    Danny Mackaskills video i can relate that to my life because he worked hard at what he does to be great and i want to do that with my baseball.
    Finally, Growth Mindset means to be open to learning an believe that you can be good. I will apply this to my life by making sure i have an open mind with my learning and not saying that i can't learn.

  13. After I got to see and hear about all of the amazing presentations, such as the “Did you Know/Shift Happens” power-point, Danny Macaskill’s “Inspired Bikes” video, and Carol Dweck “Power Of Yet” TED Talk. I was able to pick up new info and ideas, as well as being able to learn new things from these powerful presentations.

    Mr. Fisch’s world-renown video really did open my mind up, and showed me different was to look at things. Just like how it showed me that my future can’t really be predicted because most of my future, such as a job probably hasn’t been created yet. This info greatly impacts me and my teachers, because we must prepare myself and my peers for the unknown. I was also greatly impacted by Danny Macaskill’s videos. From how his videos would start with showing him trying to accomplish something either by imagination or with test failure. Then his videos would show him actually accomplishing his goals, and also able to do more, way more. These videos motivated me and was an example of showing that any goal or idea can become a reality if you just believe. Then lastly from reading some of the Carol Dweck “Power Of Yet” TED Talk, I was given even more wonderful and useful advice. Such as that if you want something to happen you first must believe in yourself. Once you have done so you then must constantly believe and not give up on your goal even if the road gets tough, just keep on going.

    Every single piece of work, will be remembered by me. Especially with me beginning my road into high school, and especially once i'm out of high school. Cause this is great advice and i'm going to use this advice. I wont waste it, I will apply it to my lifestyle for the best.

  14. Some facts that stand out to me are there are 7 billion people on Earth and of those 5 billion own cell phones. Also if Facebook was a country they would have the third largest population.Another fact was 29% of all people under 25 get most of their TV online. Kindle books outsell hardbacks and paperbacks combined. The Final fact that stood out to me was 61 trillion text messages were sent last year. These facts are just some of the many statistics to show much people of the modern times rely on the internet to communicate with others. Not only does these figures represent the amount of reliability humans give technology but how much time people spend on the internet. Watching tv was already a problem already but now it’s being watched via internet. This data, even though it’s important it makes no impact to me at all. I don’t really watch TV and I don’t even like social media. Also I like reading normal hardbacks rather than e-books because it prevents the condition of my eyes from getting worse. I already have to wear glasses and I don’t want the condition to get worse.
    After watching Inspired Bikes I felt that there are many people who are out there who are just like Danny, but practicing for different reasons. At the beginning of the video there was a bit showing Danny as he practiced and he didn’t get it the first time. I did a study last year between talent and hard work. People who are masters of their skills spend at least 10,000 hours to reach mastery of their skill. Watching Danny practice and strive to perfection I to have to strive to master my skill.
    I do think that these a pretty accurate, I too have my own translation of these 2 mindsets but with a different way of comparison. A fixed mindset is like a square log, you have to force it to move but a growth mindset is like a round log, a little push and the log will do the rest. I also feel like modern society has a more of a growth mindset while in the past people had a fixed mindset because the people of then believed in 1 thing and stuck with it. I think the growth mindset is what applies to me more because I like to be challenged and I like learning but it gets to the point where there are night like tonight where I just overwhelmed with homework and I don’t have that feel towards education.

  15. After viewing Mr. Fisch’s “Did you Know/Shift Happens” PowerPoint, I feel like it’s crazy that over the last decade so much has changed, and that by this time, children and teens are so used to using technology and social media for every aspect of their lives. It is surprising how much social media and technology is used, and I think that these were all great steps to making our lives easier, but with so many, and so readily available, they can be more distracting and take us away from what is important. It gives me hope that we will be able to make everyday tasks more efficient, but it also concerns me that more and more people will use this privilege as a weapon, complication, and waste of time. This is very impactful because it makes me realize how lucky I am to have these opportunities, but how important it is I use it correctly and respectfully.

    Having seen the video “Inspired Bikes” I am able to reflect on the reward of hard work, dedication and a love for what you do. I can apply this to my life by doing the same thing with sports, and working hard at school.

    Regarding the definitions that were given for set and growth mindset I think that they are very true and that they show just how important it is to have a growth mindset to truly succeed in anything. This definitely applies to how I need to approach my work and my effort in school, so that I can keep improving and reach my goals.

  16. Please answer all of the following questions: (Make sure you proofread and use complete sentences)These should be elaborate thoughts, not one sentence responses!

    1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's world-renown "Did you Know/Shift Happens" PowerPoint, what ideas strike you about the facts presented?
    How does this make you think about the world and your place in it? How could this data impact you?

    The thing that struck me most about the PowerPoint is the fact that I am just one out of seven billion people in the world. It makes me think about the fact that i don't yet have a place in the world, but I am eager to find it. Much else of the data did not impact me, because I don't really have any ties to or cares about Iowa, other than the unfortunate fact that they are falling far behind many states and countries in the technological world of the 21st century.

    2) Also, what did Danny Macaskill's, "Inspired Bikes" make you think about perseverance, hard work, potential, etc...? How can you apply what you saw from his adventures, doing bike tricks, to your own life?

    Danny Macaskill's "Inspired Bikes" really motivated me to strive to be the greatest at whatever I want to achieve. It made me think about how, no matter how difficult or frustrating things may get, you just have to pick yourself up off the ground and keep going. I have a little bit of experience with this from last year, when math started getting really difficult for me. At some point during the month of April, I learned that you just have to buckle down and keep trying until you get it. I also had this happen to me in soccer. I got moved down a tier from my soccer club last summer, and I was really disappointed. Then, I realized that I needed to stop thinking about what others around me did better then me, and that I should just focus on working towards becoming the best soccer player that I can be, and I think that helped me make it through the next season and ultimately make the team at Arapahoe.

    What are your thoughts regarding these definitions?
    I think that these definitions are very useful, and I want to think that I have a Growth Mindset, but I think I have more of a Fixed Mindset, so I will work towards having a more flexible outlook on my academics and other things.
    Are the definitions accurate?
    I believe that the definitions are accurate, because I read some characteristics of myself from both definitions.
    How do they apply to your attitude and approach within the academic realm?
    I think that many more of the characteristics apply to me from the Fixed mindset, so I want to approach my journey through high school with a Growth mindset, and hopefully that will help me do well throughout the next four years of my life.

  17. 1. What mostly hit me about watching the Shift Happens video is that one person is so small compared to the entire population of the world and the things I do could still impact the world quite a bit depending on the action itself. I noticed that it is somewhat outdated but still is pretty cool.

    2. Danny must have had to work so very hard to get tot where he is today skill wise. It teaches me that if I try hard enough, I can do some stuff that I never even thought of. I also bike and I hope that one day, I can get to a point similar to where he is at now.

    3. Last year, one of my teachers went over mindsets a ton. I have a growth mindset and fixed mindsets and rubbish to have and cannot get you anywhere in life, which is why, if you have one, you need to try to change it immediately.

  18. 1) After watching Mr. Fisch’s “Shift Happens”, one of the ideas that struck me was the fact that at the rate that China is learning English, they will be the number one English speaking country in the world soon. Another idea is that the 25% of India’s population with the highest IQ’s is greater than the total population of the U.S. That means that there are more honors people in india than total people in the U.S. This makes me think about how the U.S is dropping further down the smartest countries list because other countries are getting smarter. And now that i think about honors people that I know, I remember that there are a lot of people that are just as smart or smarter in india.

    2) Danny Macaskill's video made me think about how he must have to persevere a lot because of how long it must take him to learn tricks and how it must’ve taken a lot of pain and hard work to learn how to ride across tiny beams and poles. If i can have as much perseverance and hard work as Danny, then i will be a straight A student.

    3) Your thoughts can affect what happens in your life in many ways. For example, if me and my whole hockey team go into a game thinking we will lose, then we will not do as well because we don’t want to try to win because we think we will lose. If i have a fixed mindset, then it will be very hard for me to accomplish any of my goals in life.


  19. After watching Mr. Fisch's "Did you Know/Shift Happens" PowerPoint, I thought about some of the facts and ideas that caught my eye. It shows how much technology has advanced since 10-15 years ago. Even though technology is a great thing, it can also be a bad thing. It is amazing how much people can use it for texting and calling, etc. that even schools have fallen behind. The facts presented can make a person think if maybe technology is a little bit overused for not necessarily the right reasons. The bike video was very inspirational in believing in yourself. If one keeps working at something at their best ability over and over, then he/she can do anything. You just need to put your mind to it. Also I took away that mistakes aren’t necessarily bad because they are the thing that sends you forwards. My thoughts about the definitions are that they are very true. There are two main types of mindsets and both are very different from one another. Having one mindset towards another is very huge and would have an impact on a person’s life and how they look at it. It is the difference between “I want to get this over with.” and “Let’s see if I can do better!”

  20. After seeing Mr. Fisch’s video I learned things that I had never thought about before, such as: we are being prepared for jobs that haven't even been created yet. This fact makes so much sense i just have never thought about it like that. Because technology is changing so much we have no idea what information we will need. another fact that stood out for me was that the information that we learn in college will be out of date 2-3 years lated because technology changes so much.
    Danny Macaskill's videos were inspiration to me. thinking about how nobody is born and knows how to ride a bike it takes practice. Danny had to start where everyone else did, but he did something others didn’t. instead of being ok with just riding a bike going off a few jumps he pushed himself. He fell and i'm sure he fell a lot. But he got back on his bike and did it over and over again till he got it. He shows hard work and determination. Applying this to everyday life when you hit a wall think about how you could stay there and be average or you can push through and be exceptional.
    The definitions I believe are accurate, they explain that close minded people are the ones that can’t take new information or can’t accept that they are wrong. I have some friends who have this personality and I find what was said is completely true. I did research and found that the people that are the most successful in life are those who keep an open mind. In an academic approach when you don’t open yourself up for more information you never grow as a student.

  21. Your learning
    1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's world-renown "Did you Know/Shift Happens" PowerPoint, what ideas strike you about the facts presented?
    How does this make you think about the world and your place in it? How could this data impact you?

    2) Also, what did Danny Macaskill's, "Inspired Bikes" make you think about perseverance, hard work, potential, etc...? How can you apply what you saw from his adventures, doing bike tricks, to your own life?
    3) See below:
    Definitions Taken From Mindsets The New Psychology Of Success By Carol Dweck

    File:Forward thinking.jpg
    Carol Dweck Power Of Yet TED Talk

    Fixed Mindset Defined:
    “The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value. How does this happen? How can a simple belief have the power to transform your psychology and, as a result, your life? Believing that your qualities are carved in stone-the fixed mindset-creates an urgency to prove yourself over and over” (Dweck 6).

    File:Thinking Man.jpg
    Growth Mindset Defined:
    “This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way-in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments-everyone can change and grow through application and experience” (Dweck 7).

    “The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives” (Dweck 7).

    What are your thoughts regarding these definitions?
    Are the definitions accurate?
    How do they apply to your attitude and approach within the academic realm?


    1. after viewing Mr Fisch's videos and seeing the content within them i have had the idea of having some of the people from the honer rolls from both countries and moving them to america to represent the current generation of education. This makes me feel as if we are not even scratching the surface of the population of India or china at all and it makes me feel as if I might have a medium impact on my future as if someone in china will have a small impact and a large group of people working on a singular problem together may have a medium impact. This data impacts me because it makes me realize how much of an impact i may have on the future.
    2. Inspired Bikes made me realize that if you put your heart to it and practice hard enough you will succeed at your goal. I can connect this to my life by if a test is stumping me or homework is piled on stacked on stacks i could not give up and try my best to finish it early and well enough to pass.
    3.I believe that that the definitions could compliment the pictures well enough that it would make sense to be with them. I believe that the definitions are accurate because it tells that the mind is able to process a lot of information at once and the future has many things to look forward to. They apply to my approach and attitude by giving advice for the future and the present.

  22. Your learning
    1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's world-renown "Did you Know/Shift Happens" PowerPoint, what ideas strike you about the facts presented?
    How does this make you think about the world and your place in it? How could this data impact you?

    2) Also, what did Danny Macaskill's, "Inspired Bikes" make you think about perseverance, hard work, potential, etc...? How can you apply what you saw from his adventures, doing bike tricks, to your own life?
    3) See below:
    Definitions Taken From Mindsets The New Psychology Of Success By Carol Dweck

    File:Forward thinking.jpg
    Carol Dweck Power Of Yet TED Talk

    Fixed Mindset Defined:
    “The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value. How does this happen? How can a simple belief have the power to transform your psychology and, as a result, your life? Believing that your qualities are carved in stone-the fixed mindset-creates an urgency to prove yourself over and over” (Dweck 6).

    File:Thinking Man.jpg
    Growth Mindset Defined:
    “This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way-in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments-everyone can change and grow through application and experience” (Dweck 7).

    “The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives” (Dweck 7).

    What are your thoughts regarding these definitions?
    Are the definitions accurate?
    How do they apply to your attitude and approach within the academic realm?


    1. after viewing Mr Fisch's videos and seeing the content within them i have had the idea of having some of the people from the honer rolls from both countries and moving them to america to represent the current generation of education. This makes me feel as if we are not even scratching the surface of the population of India or china at all and it makes me feel as if I might have a medium impact on my future as if someone in china will have a small impact and a large group of people working on a singular problem together may have a medium impact. This data impacts me because it makes me realize how much of an impact i may have on the future.
    2. Inspired Bikes made me realize that if you put your heart to it and practice hard enough you will succeed at your goal. I can connect this to my life by if a test is stumping me or homework is piled on stacked on stacks i could not give up and try my best to finish it early and well enough to pass.
    3.I believe that that the definitions could compliment the pictures well enough that it would make sense to be with them. I believe that the definitions are accurate because it tells that the mind is able to process a lot of information at once and the future has many things to look forward to. They apply to my approach and attitude by giving advice for the future and the present.

  23. Your learning
    1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's world-renown "Did you Know/Shift Happens" PowerPoint, what ideas strike you about the facts presented?
    How does this make you think about the world and your place in it? How could this data impact you?

    2) Also, what did Danny Macaskill's, "Inspired Bikes" make you think about perseverance, hard work, potential, etc...? How can you apply what you saw from his adventures, doing bike tricks, to your own life?
    3) See below:
    Definitions Taken From Mindsets The New Psychology Of Success By Carol Dweck

    File:Forward thinking.jpg
    Carol Dweck Power Of Yet TED Talk

    Fixed Mindset Defined:
    “The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value. How does this happen? How can a simple belief have the power to transform your psychology and, as a result, your life? Believing that your qualities are carved in stone-the fixed mindset-creates an urgency to prove yourself over and over” (Dweck 6).

    File:Thinking Man.jpg
    Growth Mindset Defined:
    “This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way-in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments-everyone can change and grow through application and experience” (Dweck 7).

    “The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives” (Dweck 7).

    What are your thoughts regarding these definitions?
    Are the definitions accurate?
    How do they apply to your attitude and approach within the academic realm?


    1. after viewing Mr Fisch's videos and seeing the content within them i have had the idea of having some of the people from the honer rolls from both countries and moving them to america to represent the current generation of education. This makes me feel as if we are not even scratching the surface of the population of India or china at all and it makes me feel as if I might have a medium impact on my future as if someone in china will have a small impact and a large group of people working on a singular problem together may have a medium impact. This data impacts me because it makes me realize how much of an impact i may have on the future.
    2. Inspired Bikes made me realize that if you put your heart to it and practice hard enough you will succeed at your goal. I can connect this to my life by if a test is stumping me or homework is piled on stacked on stacks i could not give up and try my best to finish it early and well enough to pass.
    3.I believe that that the definitions could compliment the pictures well enough that it would make sense to be with them. I believe that the definitions are accurate because it tells that the mind is able to process a lot of information at once and the future has many things to look forward to. They apply to my approach and attitude by giving advice for the future and the present.

  24. I was very shocked by the information and data that was given. It really makes me wonder how the world got to this place and why these numbers are the way that they are. This really interests me because these stats could end up effecting my future one day. It really makes ,me realize how much of an effect an event can have on the next generation going into the real world.

    Danny Macaskill's videos are absolutely amazing and super inspiring to me. As I was watching them I couldn't stop thinking about where he started to get to that point. It made me realize that anything is possible and if I want something all I need to do is work for it and be passionate about it.

    As I was reading the definitions about a fixed vs. a growth mindset I couldn't agree more. The definitions are very accurate because they explain the difference between the two thoughts. I have learned about these before and I know that those definitions really sum up the meanings of each one.

  25. Mindset
    As you approach a challenge, that voice might say to you “Are you sure you can do it? Maybe you don’t have the talent.” “What if you fail—you’ll be a failure” “People will laugh at you for thinking you had talent.” “If you don’t try, you can protect yourself and keep your dignity.”
    As you hit a setback, the voice might say, “This would have been a snap if you really had talent.” “You see, I told you it was a risk. Now you’ve gone and shown the world how limited you are.” “ It’s not too late to back out, make excuses, and try to regain your dignity.”
    As you face criticism, you might hear yourself say, “It’s not my fault. It was something or someone else’s fault.” You might feel yourself getting angry at the person who is giving you feedback. “Who do they think they are? I’ll put them in their place.” The other person might be giving you specific, constructive feedback, but you might be hearing them say “I’m really disappointed in you. I thought you were capable but now I see you’re not.”

    1.It felt strong and I thought of how lucky I was to be put in a good education and home. I also thought that was one of the reasons he was speaking about because of how sometimes you have to try try and try again till you reach success. like how the bike stunt man did all his stunts but at first he had failed a lot until he had reached the impossible because he never gave up and kept going on his ideas or dreams like in school and how some people try so hard in school and then they fail a few times but in the end the come out victorious
    2.Basically challenging yourself and do things differently no matter how many times you fail or give up.
    3.The role of learning is to learn skills in school that will help you out in real life and as a student I am supposed to learn it whether I want to or not or keep going even if I don’t want to


  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. 1) Mr. Fisch's presentations are extremely eye-opening. The idea of how many more people not only live in places like China and India, but how much more communication ability they have. To me, the idea that China will soon become the largest English-speaking country in the world is amazing, and kind of sad. I hear stories often about English speakers travelling to places such as France and expecting every person on the street to speak English. Even though this can happen it is sad that the mentality of an american travelling to another country is, "Everybody here is going to talk to me and I will understand them, cause I'm from 'Merica."

    2) As I imagine the difficulty of all of the tricks that Danny Macaskill completes it seems completely impossible that he would complete every single trick other than the first, where they show the failures. On top of that, Danny must be in peak physical condition to be able to complete the stunts in the videos at all. Even with a perfect setting it can only be years of practice that allows to to gain the type of muscle and mental ability to jump both wheels of a bike from one rail of a train track to the other almost perfectly. After years of practice with these things any person would definitely crash, sustain painful injuries, and possibly think about quitting. It is that kind of perseverance that I envy when I truly begin to follow my dreams.

    3) Reading the descriptions of the two mindsets has shown how different mindsets affect the learning capabilities of those in a school setting. People with fixed mindsets will have much more trouble making their way through a difficult situation that they did not prepare for. I do strive to focus on creating more of a growth mindset for myself.
